Bonjour! Allo! Salut!


Welcome, Dear Reader.

I’m glad you’ve come, I hope you’ll stay, and I hope you’ll return. While there appears to be a humble amount of content existing here at the moment, I can assure you I have been working hard for a long time to ensure there will be a veritably inexhaustible amount of writing of questionable quality for you to (hopefully) enjoy at your leisure. With that in mind, I think I ought to introduce myself a little bit more, and provide some insight on what to expect in the coming weeks, months, etc.

Before getting too far, I need to pay respect to the Land upon which I reside and am lucky enough to call home, and to the People who have been its stewards since time immemorial. Thank you.

Now, what is there to know about he who calls himself Henry Mudd? I’m not sure there’s much that’s overly interesting, to be honest. I am a human (insofar as I’m aware) with pumping lungs, a beating heart, and a desire to share his attempts at fumbling through this world we share. I doubt you need or want many boring details about my interests and what I like and what I don’t like and, to be honest, I feel more comfortable with those things coming to light organically rather than through a HERE-IS-WHAT-YOU-NEED-TO-KNOW-ABOUT-ME blog entry. However, I will let slip a few things: I love heavy metal and hardcore; I love the Toronto Raptors; and I love yoga.

In terms of what to expect from TheHenryMudd, I can let you know what is coming down the pipe for the next little while:

  • I have a collection of poetry, cleverly titled LOVE POEMS, that will be released on a twice-weekly schedule, with one poem on Monday and another on Friday every week until I run out of them. HOW MANY WILL THERE BE? Dear Reader, that is something you’ll need to stay tuned to find out. *insert villainous laughter*

  • With respect to stories, you will see a chapter of Stone Overcoat released on a bi-weekly schedule on Wednesdays until the story comes to a close. I wouldn’t call it a thriller, necessarily, but I do think it’s thrilling. Maybe you will, too.

  • There are a few longer, novel-length pieces I am sorting out how to best release. However they see the light of day, you, Dear Reader, will be the first to know.

  • The blog aspect is a work-in-progress, though I will try my best to have weekly entries for your reading pleasure. What they will be about, how long they will be, and how much structure one can expect… well, that is going to be a surprise for all of us.

  • I will post regularly on Instagram (@thehenrymudd) with process pieces, past work, and first drafts/edits. Maybe there will be more diverse content, but who knows. I am still learning all of that stuff.

My hope is, of course, that you might connect with the writing somehow and some way. If you like something, let me know. If you don’t like something, let me know. How you decide to connect with me, via e-mail or through one of the social channels is your choice (obviously), and a surprise for me. All I can really say is please reach out, even if it is just to talk trash about the NBA.

Thank you again, Dear Reader, for making your way here. I am grateful for your time and for how you chose to expend some of your energy.



Supplementary stuff for Stone Overcoat