Fridge Poetry and more

I’m very proud to share Fridge Poetry. As with Love Poems, poems will come up twice a week, Mondays and Fridays. I’m working as I’m able to with how my hands are reacting right now, and hope I can do more consistent writing on the keyboard, but it is moderately stressful on the hands and that’s a bit of a pain. I have been digging through some old short stories and came across a few that I’ll post up over the next little while. They are probably close to 15 years old, so I need to polish them up and make sure they aren’t total dog shit before I share them. I remember having a lot of fun writing them, so hopefully they are still fun to read.

With Fridge Poetry’s launch, I’ve made space in the Poetry section by moving Love Poems to ye olde archives. I’ve also moved Stone Overcoat there, and will move Saint of Whales there too, though the latter won’t happen until I’ve got those other short stories ready to put up so the Stories section isn’t sitting empty. Please have patience with me, though I know patience, as is the case in 2022, to be in short supply. I appreciate it just the same.

Have a great day.


God, can you believe there’s an update?


As Love Poems comes to a close, Fridge Poetry is on the way (Jan 31st).