Love Poem 19


Falling in love

the first time

isn’t all that different from

doing drugs the first time.

Everything becomes about

chasing that feeling,

the sensation of floating with toes almost touching the ground,

the shiver running from the base of the skull to the base of the spine,

or the warm haze that wraps around the body like a blanket.

Hopefully like a blanket and not a snake.


sometimes it is like a snake and it

threatens to squeeze everything out,

and crush everything inside.

Sometimes there are

bad decisions,

harsh words,

quick tempers,

and raw feelings,

not to mention

sleepless nights and groundhog days.

Everything becomes more intense,

and quickly it can become a


dissociative experience

that leaves one gasping for air.

This is your brain on drugs, they say.

Drugs will ruin your life.

Drugs will empty your wallet.

Drugs will send you into the streets.

Drugs will drain your soul,

but falling in love is good for you.

Falling in love is the most beautiful thing in the world.

Falling in love is the key to all of this and is what

makes this whole damn life worth living.

But what happens when the lustre of love begins to fade?
What happens when love,

which we are told has the ability to heal,

is what which causes one to be drained?

What happens when all that’s left is the chase?

What do we do then?


Love Poem 20


Love Poem 18