Love Poem 21

Boy oh boy,

if I had a dollar for how many time in my life

someone has told me

about how

fulfilling love is

I would probably be a millionaire.

I’ve also heard how

it is something that isn’t like anything else.

It will keep you warm in the coldest winter.

When your belly is empty, love will fill you up.

When you are dying of thirst, love will nourish you.

Love is something that will fill in every

crack and crevice

and it can get you through the most trying of times.

Gibran said something to the effect of

love having no desire but to fulfill itself,

that love has no desire to exist any differently than it does.

I hear that to mean

love is indivisible and beyond duality.

Love is the middle of the middle of the middle of the middle.

Love is the inextinguishable light,

the flame of eternity.

So, like I said,

if I had a dollar for every time I heard about

everything love is supposed to be

I wouldn’t be sitting here hacking away at the typewriter,

I can tell you that much.

However, if I had the proof by way of money I spoke about,

I have to accept that maybe

I am the one who is wrong and

maybe there is something wrong with me and

I am missing or not properly understanding something.

Maybe love IS all the things outlined above and

I just don’t know a goddamn thing

and refuse to submit, instead preferring to

howl at the moon


chase my tail

and once I catch ahold, I start chewing and eating and eating

and eating with the intention of

destroying myself

so that one day

my flesh will wear away and

my bones will be dust.

So, hardly a coincidence then that

I am not good at loving


I am not good at letting myself be loved

and, often, I would rather

push away anyone and everyone.

What good, after all, can anyone do?

Help me? Heal me?

Make me whole?

Shield me from the killing world?

Give me cold bleakness,

give me a cold beer,

give me a bag of good dope.

Give me the things that

cloud the mind


cloud the heart

and all the things that

make me stupid and slow and comfortable.

Do not ask me to see the world clearly and through

open eyes.

I can’t do it.

Everything to me is is nothing.

Everything is void.

Everything is hurtling towards the end.

That light at the end of the tunnel

is a train

and I am tying myself to the tracks.

Burn the money.

Burn the feeling.

Let me lay on the tracks and feel the weight of it all.


Love Poem 22


Love Poem 20