Love Poem 42

Oh, I have written pages upon pages




and I have written pages and pages about being


or hurt

or any number of

other aspects

of the heart

upon which we all love to dwell,

so why not continue?


unconditional ideal to which

everyone pretends to strive

is so

out of reach

that it seems a boulder up a hill more than a

destination or reality.

With a cat or a dog or any other animal

to whom we are stewards,

they look at us with

those deep eyes of theirs

with a level of caring we cannot really understand as adults;

the way they look at us


tell us

so long as we take care fo them as they would take care of us,

then we will be loved

until the end of their time.

What a thought that is,

that through simply taking care of the most basic of needs like

eating and drinking and walking, providing a comfortable place

to sleep, and doing so with pureness of intent

we are gifted

the greatest thing of all:

to be loved


of how we look or how we talk or how we engage with the world;

they don’t care how smart we are or how dumb we are


they don’t care if we exercise every day or if we don’t


they don’t care about how many books we read or how many books

we say we read;

they don’t care about our jobs or our cars,

they don’t care about whether or not

we can afford

designer clothes or

if we have the newest gadgets.

Take care of my simple needs, they say;

love me as deeply as you would have me love you

and our love will be perfect.

There are many times where we have to deal with animals

and we know that their brains have limited capacity

because they are the size of a walnut or a peanut



they might not be building pyramids

or flying airplanes

or performing surgeries,


they are just as complex in their own ways

and they most certainly understand

what it is to love someone so deeply they would do anything.

They know when

we need peace

and they know when

we need silence

and they know when

we need a warm body to rest against our weary forms.

I know I will never be able to give

such simple and undivided and perfect love

—even in return to them—

but it is something to which I aspire

and it is something

I hope

one day I manage to have

just a taste

of when it comes to loving others.


Love Poem 43


Love Poem 41