Love Poem 6
I have lived in a tomb.
I was born in a graveyard.
My heart rests in an urn.
While there are many who would trade so much
for such certainty,
being surrounding since conception by the dead
breeds cold comfort in an age of
life and living
and, in a world where
the light can burn away the dark,
to have been
conceived under the lovers’ moon,
bathed in lovers’ light,
and reared on lovers’ nectar
puts life and love in the
dance of wax and wane,
crescent and gibbous,
new and full
with the sun lurking until its rays
delicate moonlight realities and crystalline entities
valiantly striving to
face the world and all it pushes forward.
To know,
some survive these killing rays and
it will be okay.
What will come, will come
you won’t have to face it all alone.