Love Poem 23

One has to wonder,

when all of this is over and

the sun has exploded

and the solar system is nothing more than


floating through the cosmos

whether anything has ever meant anything.

If nothing matters, how can anything matter?

If we are all doomed to die, then nothing in this

whole damned existence

means a goddamn thing?

Some might say if that is all the case then we

need to create our own meaning,

that we ought to

imprint ourselves upon the earth and stones,

that we ought to

cast ourselves to the winds and the waves and allow

our very essence

to connect so deeply with another soul that

our energies become undeniable,


and able to exist

across and beyond

all planes of existence.

And, yet,

creating meaning through love feels like a losing proposition,

feels like little more than hubris and egi,

as though shared love could be something that transcends

the Beyond.

But, is to be born simply to die not equally pointless?

What good can come from tasting the wind,

from feeling the sun and moon and hearing the rolling of waves?

Can feeling salt spraying upon one’s cheeks meaning anything


physical sensation?

What can satisfy the deepest yearning when there is no

point behind the yearning itself?

Could it be possible for the force of will of seven billion

people, focused on the deepest love

to be something that generates such

gravitational force

that even an existence decimated by a supernova

continues to exist?


Love Poem 24


Love Poem 22