Love Poem 24


I don’t want to read minds.

I want to read hearts.

I want to see through the

mirrors of the soul,

beyond the countless reflections of

the ultimate illusions.

I don’t want to read minds.

I want to read hearts.

I want to be able to feel

beyond feelings.

I want my heart to be as open as a child’s.

I want to see through the mess of it all,

and see past everything filling up my field of feeling.

I want to be able to read the

depths of a heart

and know how I can

love as deeply as another,

how I can experience everything with the

single, simple focus

of one who cares for nothing beyond basking in

the sunlight of the heart.

I don’t want to read minds.

I want to read hearts.


Love Poem 25


Love Poem 23