Love Poem 26


I have a lot of opinions

and I can be a total hypocrite,

so I am going to tell you what sounds like

total bullshit

to me:

oh, I love the imperfections of love

oh, I love the love that really makes you work for it

oh, I love the love that sees you stuck in the rain sometimes

and where you say you laugh at the broke times and where you

say you laugh about the hard times

because the hard times aren’t as hard when we are together,

don’t you know

and oh don’t you remember all those times when

the world was against us

and we didn’t know if there would be a light at the end of the

tunnel and if there was a light

maybe it would be a train

and, boy, do you remember all those times

when I was working through finding out how my brain worked

with the world and struggling to find a place in the world?

how about all those ugly and messy moments,

those times where our tempers flared

and we really got to see what each other are made of

and we got to see the mettle from which we are constructed

and we got to see and feel the fires

in our guts and

our hearts

and we got burned by the raging and roiling and endless


Oh yeah, all those times sound great.

How romantic it is to think about the hard times and

the trying times and all those times we were tested

beyond what we thought we could handle

and the romance of the romance was too much.

Oh my god, don’t you remember

that one summer

when it was so hot it was too hot to think,

when the plague was running free

and everything threatened to overwhelm us,

and it was just the two of us in a world that was just life and death.

Oh yeah,

THAT’S romance

THAT’S love

THAT’S the stuff we look at because we think everything going

well and everything matching up and everything aligning and

everything always being good is hogwash

because we’ve been steered towards thinking about always doing

the alternative and thinking about what we are told isn’t

the truth

and we shouldn’t buy into fantasy.

Well, as much as I want the real and I want the truth,

there are just as many times where I want to just be in love

like how they are in the movies.

I told you I am a hypocrite.


Love Poem 27


Love Poem 25