Love Poem 25


There are

so many important pieces of love

that no one ever talks about

and about which we can only learn with someone else.

One of those pieces is no longer being in love.

It isn’t falling out of love,

it is jumping or being pushed.

Sometimes we know to prepare and other times we are the

last to find out.

Whenever and however it happens,

there is never a good time to wake up and look at the person

beside us and say

“I don’t think this is going to work anymore.”

I have seen it all come as a surprise

and I have seen it understood objectively,


the end

as a culmination of bad decisions, non-decisions,

action and inaction.

And it can cut all ways.

Everything has

existence and non-existence

and not everyone understands or likes it,

as if any of that mattered anyway,

as if our understanding or liking something could impact

the wants and wishes of the gods.

So, what do we do?

We accept what might come with love,

namely that it might end,

just as we accept what comes with life,

and we play the only game in town.


Love Poem 26


Love Poem 24