Love Poem 34

On the topic of feelings,
there is a strong sentiment that we must
feel something and
it must be important and it must be something
to which we pay a great deal of attention
because we have had
the blade of stoicism
pressed to our throats and our balls
while we sowed
seeds of order
intended to be reaped in perpetuity.
A lot has been made about
how important feelings are,
but there are always caveats on
how we should feel,
how we should live,
how we should love,
and how we must be just so.
When confronted, we sometimes
become beholden to the power of a feeling,
we fall into their wells of gravity.
As toxic as it can be to live
without feelings,
addiction to the
and twirling of
guts and heart
can kill as quickly as a bullet or as slowly as a cigarette.
The attachment to
outcome and expectation
can be seen no more clearly than in
the response of
and self-righteousness when one’s feelings
impact another,
as though the notion that one’s feelings might be in
the wrong
is borderline unbelievable, if not outright unbelievable.
Out come the Feeling Police,
here to show us how to feel,
how it should look,
how loud it should be,
how much hurt it can come from,
how filled with love it can.
I understand it and I find it to be of the
grandest level of humour.
Either don’t feel at all or feel too much.
Feel so much it eats you from the inside out.
Feel so deeply you drown in it.
Stand on every hill.
Die on every hill.
Be so committed to a feeling,
so attached to light through a lens
that there is never release and
there can never be true feeling.
So far the pendulum has swung
that we exist between worlds rather than
tasting freedom in one or the other.
Funn how whether we
bottle our feelings or
marinate in them
that the same results are borne.