Love Poem 45

Remember back in the day we had

so many ideas

and so many dreams and

so many things we thought would turn out

one way but

they turned out another way?

Sometimes it was the way we loved our family

or the way a friendship turned out

or the way someone looked at us or didn’t look at us

and we were stuck wondering

what any of it all meant.

There were so many times where we didn’t have the confidence

to say something or

the guts to do something

and we convinced ourselves it would be easier,

maybe even better,

if we just sat on our hands and didn’t do a

goddamn thing.

Now, the problem with just sitting on our hands is that

nothing ever gets done

and all we end up with is a lifetime of






and should-have-beens

and that’s a lifetime of


if I’ve ever heard one.

There are a thousand ways we can

tell ourselves not to do something:

maybe they don’t feel a certain way about us;

or, maybe we don’t want to ruin something we already have;

or maybe it is a


where we frequent the same place and

we don’t want to cause waves

because we think that by not doing something,

by remaining silent and inactive

that we aren’t still causing waves.

Maybe they are only waves in the oceans of our own lives

and because there isn’t a shared experience

we think there are no waves beyond our own existence,

but there are raging waters just the same.

Anyone who says they

seize every opportunity or

make the most out of every day,

hey, good for them.

That must be a really good feeling and

I wonder how it is working out.

I doubt there is anyone who shoots every shot

or takes every chance,

or who throws caution to the wind and lives as


as they can.

That just isn’t how any of this all unfolds.

How it unfolds is

we try our best

and sometimes we let ourselves down

because we don’t make that final push

or we don’t listen to the rumbling in our guts.

We may not be able to roar through life as we’d like,

but we do need to do more than stand in the corner.

What do we think we can have if we hide our whole lives?

A life without pain,

without risks?

To try and go through life without those things is simply

to exist.

Pain is more consistent in this world than we want,

just as much as grief and loss and what-if’s are what move us forward.

All those things we used to dream about,

those are all things we can have and enjoy

but we need to be willing for our guts to spill out onto the floor

and for our hearts to be put on cruel display.

There is nothing easy in this world and this is never more


than when we are chasing that spirit of love.

It has taken me

most of my life

to learn all of this and all that means is

I am more aware of not taking a chance.

I am more aware of the missed opportunities and

that a lot of times what we want and what happens

are different things and that is how we build

the armour of our souls,

that is how we find the strength to carry on and the guts

to keep trying and the courage to know

that a feeling can’t be the end of us,

no matter how awful it might be.

Rejection leads to reflection leads to rejuvenation leads to resilience and resilience leads to us knowing how much

we can endure.


Love Poem 46


Love Poem 44