Love Poem 47

Here is another part of love no one wants to talk about

and that’s when you get told something you did is fucked up

and I don’t mean when your partner is overtly critical or

harping about a wrong turn or giving you an earful for drinking

too much,

or spending more money than you should have or spending

money you didn’t have.

There are all kinds of moments in love where your partner

will tell you what you don’t want to hear, and

then there are the deep pieces where something

you thought to be true

is brought to light as not being true.

There are moments where a value you held turns out

to not hold any value in this world,

where an attitude and a sentiment are exposed as

ugly rather than beautiful.

Sometimes we need our partner to look us in the eye and say

you fucked up


who do you think you are


I don’t care what you mean, you are wrong,

or how about this one:

fine, you’re right and I fucked up, but how you went about

telling me is MORE fucked up.

No, we want for someone to always pump our tires.

We want moments comprised only by the warmest feelings

and that just isn’t how it all works.

On the other side of things,

we don’t always want to be the person

who points the finger or raises the hand

because it is hard and it is exhausting,

but if you love someone truly and deeply

than it is an obligation to do so even if it means

what you say is ugly and hard.

if we truly love someone, shouldn’t we hold them to the highest ideal?

I understand no one is perfect, but this isn’t about

the skidmark on the underwear touching the carpet

or spending the night in the drunk tank;

this is about saying

hey, I watched you rip that person off,

I watched you take what wasn’t yours,

I hear you spread untruth about the undeserving.

This isn’t about being a mindreader or being someone

that is always looking for a problem to point out,

this is about if your partner, your love,

your person you celebrate and raise up

needs to receive some humility and be turned towards the light

because it’s too easy to get turned around in this world,

it’s easy to lose track,

and it’s easy to get lost and not know where to turn.

Sometimes our maps and our compasses don’t show us the right way.

Sometimes we get caught up and sometimes

we need help

getting back and there is no shame there.

Where the shame lies is in the


to open our mouths

so that ears can be opened,

so that eyes can be opened,

so that hearts can be better opened.


Love Poem 48


Love Poem 46