Love Poem 49


When we’re in love we do really funny things.

We do things we would never have thought about doing before.

We say things we never would have said before.

We behave in ways that would have never crossed our minds

and it can be easy to get lost in it all,

and it can be even easier to stay lost

because once you’re in it,

it’s warm and it’s cozy and it can be somewhere

we would gladly spend our lives

while staring down the end.

So, where do we draw the line?

Do we need to draw a line?

A lot of love is about change,

and a lot of change is about making sure

we are safe

and grounded before we allow

the metamorphosis to begin

because once we are in our cocoon, we are vulnerable.

All it takes is for someone to come along and

recognize the state

and peel us open

and expose us to the killing light.

Of course, how we stay awake while

we are in the process

is anyone’s guess and I am hardly someone with a definite answer.

What I know is that it is a very fine line.

If you are too awake, you can never surrender.

If you are too asleep, you can never be aware.

I suppose the trick is to let everything be at

perfect rest,

be in perfect silence, and

perfect balance.

When we are in those states, we might find ourselves

holding truer

to the things that allow us to be ourselves

and hold a bit more firmly to our own positions

when the gravity of love

threatens to overwhelm us.

That sounds easy enough, doesn’t it?


Love Poem 50


Love Poem 48