Love Poem 8

Some people want to
about whether or not there is
life after death or
if it is one shot and that’s that.
I don’t know, and I am not sure
what I could possibly know
or add to the conversation because I can barely dress myself.
I can roll a great joint, but I can’t tell you about much else
but I am happy to share what I think might be true:
I think we are here to try and get through
as much as we can get through and try to survive
as best we can
and try to make it through the obstacles placed in front of us
and try to help those who have more obstacles because
all of this is just a chance.
All of this is just something we are trying to make our way through
and on a good day we are clinging to what we want to be true
and on a bad day we are confronted with questioning whether or not
the things we want and the things we need and the things we hope
are worth their salt.
Maybe it all means that we were
wrong the whole time and
we were putting all of our eggs in the wrong basket
or wasting our time and wasting our fuel and wasting our energy
on some long, drawn out, and meaningless voyage
that seems to be little more than theatre
and little more than faking our way
along the long path to whatever lies at the end when we
draw our last breath.
I lie to myself
in preparation of those times sometimes.
I tell myself I am going to hold onto the things that
I want to, no matter what, but my grip is
tenuous at best.
I tell myself no storm lasts forever
and no pain runs so deeply that the void cannot be filled.
I tell myself we are, ultimately, guided by truth.
Some way.
There HAS to be some sort of guiding principle.
But, when I have been in the hole and
I have been down and out
I am the first one selling out everything I know and
giving up on everyone.
More than anything, I am giving up on myself those times.
I take what I think and know to be true and
abandon it, even if it is just for a minute
And sometimes that minute is long enough to drown.
Sometimes a minute is long enough for everything to go wrong.
When the inferno is raging and you are holding your breath,
there is a time to be at peace and see nothing else matters.
Nothing matters.
There is no room for almost or maybe or just about.
Everything is a yes or no.
The singularity of life might be the hardest thing to digest.
There will be times where we only need to
to allow everything to wash over us.
Frank Herbert said that when the fear is gone, there will
be nothing.
He said only we will remain
and whether or not that is true when the
Big Fear comes our way,
I don’t know.
I can tell you that in the everyday and for
the regular fears
the regular occurrences
and all of the moments where we don’t
trust ourselves
puts us somewhere
that doesn’t serve us
and where we think poison will cure us.
I know that everything can be what I do not expect it to be.
I know that whatever is proven to be true can also be
proven to be untrue.
I know that even in the worst of times that
the truth will come to bear.
Maybe this is all nothing anyway.
So, when it comes to life after death, reincarnation or
blinking away,
I guess I don’t have any real answers except:
love as hard as you can,
be afraid as infrequently as possible, for fear IS the mindkiller,
smoke weed,
eat mushrooms,
and don’t ever take shit from anyone who doesn’t have a good reason
to give you shit.