Love Poem 9

My brain works a little bit differently

than the brains of others and

it usually has

a hundred different thoughts happening

at the same time.

They aren’t racing or fighting with one another,

but they are all competing for my

limited focus

and that can

make life difficult when it comes to sorting out

what to say


not to say

or do


not do

and I try my best with it, though

I know

there are many times where

what is right


what is hard

is not what I do because I choose instead

to do what is easiest.

Not just what is easy,

but what is easiest

and what is easiest rarely yields that which is

most beautiful or

most bountiful.

Usually, what is easiest ends up being

unnecessarily hard or needlessly complex.

Instead of saying

I love you,

I spend a good minute trying to


what might happen


what could happen


and what I can do to find a way

to stay safe


to stay whole


to keep my crab claws dragging across the floor of the ocean

away from everyone else

unless I need to connect with someone somehow

and then it is about how do I find a setting

where I know

every entrance

and every exit

and where I can know

how many hours are in a day

and how many minutes are in an hour

and how many seconds are in a minute


as you can see,

my mind is dominated by the self-made complexities that

I allow to comprise my life

instead of focusing on the

bounty and beauty and simplicity

existing within someone saying

I love you

you are funny

what a great smile you have.

I forget that love is what I have

spent my whole life searching for.

I forget the quest for truth is the quest to find

union and unity,

to seek the middle of the middle,

to find a place where there is only light

and where there is such wholeness that even

void and shadow

do not exist separately.

So, all of those cold nights I spent howling at the moon,

all those hot nights I roamed the street,

all those long winters and long summers that felt like they

would never end

and saw me roil and rage

as I shifted from man to wolf to man to wolf to man to wolf,

so lost that not even the phases of the moon could hold sway

over my spirit.

Please know the disconnect lies in my

different alignment to the norm.

Please know my beautiful, fragile mind

tries its best to shield an equally beautiful and fragile heart

and exponential complexity allows for shields and walls

to grow from the ground as if they were hedges and trees

seeking to protect an old growth heart.

Also know, if nothing else,

my mind similarly holds love

like a crystal glinting in the sun,

with a thousand thousand thousand sides to it.

Maybe that, in turn, complicates my life more than it needs to be

but nothing I ever do can be simple,

not even the simplest thing like

unconditional love.


Love Poem 10


Love Poem 8